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Transformer manufacturers introduce anti-short circuit measures for power transformers


Transformer manufacturers introduce anti-short circuit measures for power transformers


Everyone is not unfamiliar with power transformers. After all, power transformers are relatively common in our daily life, but in many cases we will encounter power transformer short circuit problems. So today I will take you to understand the improvement measures for short-circuit resistance of power transformers.

Transformer manufacturers—carry out short-circuit tests on transformers to prevent problems before they happen.

The stability of the operation of a large transformer lies first in its structure and manufacturing technology, and secondly in various tests on the equipment during the operation process to directly understand the working status of the equipment. To understand the mechanical reliability of the transformer, it is possible to improve its weak points according to the short-circuit test, so as to ensure that the design of the structural strength of the transformer is well known.

Transformer manufacturers——Standardize the design, pay attention to the axial compression process of coil manufacturing.

When designing, the manufacturer should not only reduce the loss of the transformer and improve the insulation level, but also consider improving the impact toughness and short-circuit resistance of the transformer. In terms of manufacturing technology, since many transformers use insulating pins, and the high-voltage and low-voltage coils use the same pin, this structure requires a high level of manufacturing technology, and the protective pads are used for densification. After the coil is processed, it is necessary to dry the individual coil with a constant current source, and accurately measure the height of the coil after shrinking.

Each coil of the same pin is adjusted to the same height after the above processing process, and the oil pressure equipment is used to increase the required working pressure on the coil during the assembly process, and finally reach the height specified by the design and processing technology. In the general installation, in addition to paying attention to the compression state of the high-voltage coil, it is also necessary to pay attention to the control of the compression state of the low-voltage coil.
