SCBH15 series amorphous alloy dry-type transformer
The no-load loss of the amorphous alloy dry-type transformer is 75% lower than that of Group 1 in Table 4 of GB/T10228, and the load loss is 15% lower than that of Table 4 of GB/T10228. It is the most advanced energy-saving dry-type transformer in the world.
Model Specification
Usage environment
Ambient temperature: -51℃+40℃
The average temperature of the hottest month is +30℃
The hottest annual average temperature is +20℃
The altitude does not exceed 1000m
The waveform of the power supply voltage is approximately a sine wave
The three-phase power supply voltage should be roughly symmetrical
There is no obvious pollution in the installation environment
Indoor use
Product Standards
GB/T22072-2008 GB1094.11-2007
Rated high voltage: 10 (10.5, 11, 6, 6.3, 6.6) kV
Rated low voltage: 0.4kV
Tap range: non-excitation voltage regulation (±5%, ±2x2.5%)
On-load voltage regulation: (±4x2.5%)
Connection group: Dyn11 or YynO
Insulation level: LI75AC35/AC5
Product Usage
This product has the advantages of low no-load loss, oil-free, flame-retardant and self-extinguishing, moisture-resistant, crack-resistant and maintenance-free. Any place where ordinary dry transformers are currently used can be replaced by amorphous dry transformers, which can be used in high-rise buildings, commercial centers, subways, airports, stations, industrial and mining enterprises and power plants. It is especially suitable for installation and use in places with high fire protection requirements such as flammable and explosive.
DKSC series grounding transformer
Grounding transformers are often used to provide an artificial loadable neutral point for system grounding at ungrounded points in the system. The neutral point of this product is connected to an arc suppression coil or resistor, and then grounded. It can be equipped with a secondary winding of continuous rated capacity as the power supply for the station (station).
13.8kV single phase transformer
Product Description
The single-phase pole-mounted distribution transformers are specifically designed for the decentralization distributionnetwork of servicing residential overhead distribution loads of town and countryside.
They are also suitable for light and diversified power distribution systems.
Offers 2basictransformer types and two kinds of metal core types conventionaltype and complete self protect type and for the transformercore.
Two types of materials are available:C.R.G.O wound core and amorphous metal core.
G310341-2036GB10942-2013GB1094.-2003GB1094.5-2008)B/10317-2002-EEE Std C57.12.90-2010;ANSIC57.12.20;IEC60076;SANS780STANDARDS.
Features of Products
Meet or exceeds ANSI.IEC.GB.SANS.Standards
Safe handing installation and operation.
Attractive modern appearance
Reasonable Structure
Higher system reliability
High security and reliability in operation
High capacity of overload and efficiency
Robust construction having excellent short circuit and thermal withstand capabilities.
EVERPOWER transformers are more efficieny by reduced no-load losses and reduced load losses.
13.8kV single-phase column distribution transformer parameter table
11kV On load power transformer
Product Description:
The single-phase pole-mounted ditribution transformers are specifically designed for the decentralization distribution network of servicingresidential overhead
distribution loads of town and countryside.
They are also suitable for light and diversified power distribution systems.
Offers2basictransformer ypes and two kinds of metal core types conventional type and complete self protect type and for the transformercore.
Two types of materials are available:C.R.G.O wound core and amorphous metal core.
GB1094.1-2013;GB1094.2-2013;GB1094.3-2013;GB1094.5-2008;GB/T6451-2008;GB/T1094.10-2003;JB/T10088-2004IEC60076;SANS780 STANDARDS
Features of Products
Meet or exceeds ANSL.IEC.GB.SANS.Standards
Safe Handling, Installation and Operation.
Attractive, modern appearance
Reasonable Structure
Higher system reliability
High security and reliability in operation
High capacity of overload and efficiency
Robust construction having excellent short circuit and thermal withstand capabilities
EVERPOWERTransformers are more efficient by Reduced no-load losses and Reduced load losses
33kV On load power transformer
Features of Products
SZ11 series 33KV class on-load voltage regulation is a voltage regulation method by which a transformer can change the voltage
by changing the tap gear when operating under load.Power electronic component switches have the advantages of frequent spark and long service life, so they can be used as on-load tap-changer for distribution transformers.
GB1094.1-2013;GB1094.2-2013;GB1094.3-2013;GB1094.5-2008;GB/T6451-2008;GB/T1094.10-2003;JB/T10088-2004IEC60076;SANS 780 STANDARDS
Features of Products
1.Meet or exceeds ANSI.IEC.GB.SANS.Standards
2.Safe Handling, Installation and operation.
3.Attractive, modern appearance
4.Reasonable structure
6.Higher system reliability
7.High security and reliability in operation
8.High capacity of overload and efficiency
9.Robust construction having excellent short circuit and thermal withstand capabilities
10.EVERPOWERTransformers are more efficient by Reduced no-load losses and Reduced load losses
Transformer normal service conditions
1.The height above the sea level is below 1000m;
2.Ambient temperature;
3.Highest air temperature+40°C;
4.Highest daily average air temperature+30°C;
5.Highest annual average air temperature+20°C;
6.Lowest outdoor air temperature-25°C;
11kV On load power transformer
Features of Products
SZ10 series 11k class On-oad voltage regulation is a voltage regulation method by which a transformer can change the voltage
by changing the tap gear when operating underload.Power electronic component switches have the advantages of frequent switching, no sparkand long service life,
so they can be used as on-load tap-changer for distribution transformers.
GB1094.1-2013;GB1094.2-2013;GB1094.3-2013;GB1094.5-2008;GB/T6451-2008;GB/T1094.10-2003; JB/T10088-2004IEC60076;SANS 780 STANDARDS
Features of Products
1.Meet or exceeds ANSL.IEC.GB.SANS.Standards
2.Safe Handling, Installation and Operation.
3.Attractive, modern appearance
4.Reasonable Structure
6.Higher system reliability
7.High security and reliability in operation8.High capacity of overload and efficiency
9.Robust construction having excellent short circuit and thermal withstand capabilities
10.EVERPOWER Transformers are more efficient by Reduced no-load losses and Reduced load losses
220kV class three-phase on-load
220kv three-phase oil immersed on-load voltage regulating transformer brings about a series of major transformations in terms of material.technique, and construction. lt is characteristic of compact construction,
low weight, high efficiency, low loss, low noise, and reliability of performance.The product can reduce considerable losses on grid andoperational costs and extend distinct economic efficacy.
The product meets following national standards: GB1094.1-2013 Power transformers Part 1: General; GB1094.2-2013
Power transformers Part 2. Temperature rise; GB1094.3-2003 Power transformers Part 3: lnsulation levels, dielectric tests and external learancesin air; GB1094.5-2003 Power transformers Part 5: Ability to withstand short-circuit;
GB/6451-2015 Specification and technical requirements for three phase oil immerse power transformers.
110kV level three-phase on-load tap-changing powertransformer
We have adopted series of important reforms on the 110kV level three-phase oil-immersed on-load tap-changing transformer referring material.
process and structure. The transformer has the features of small size, light weight, high efficiency, low loss, low noise, reliable operation etc.
which can reduce a large amount of power network loss and operation expenses with significant economic beneffts. It is suitable for power plant substation.
heavy section plant ore enterprises etc.
33kV three phase transformer
Features of Products
S11 eries 3k Clss Distribution transformer is one of the important equipments in power supply and distribution system of industrial andmining enterprises and civil buildings.
ltreduces 3k' network voltage to 2301400V bus voltage used by users. This kind of product is suitable for AC 50(60)Hz, three-phase maximumrated capacity 2500kVA, and can be used indoors(outside)
GB1094.1-2013;GB1094.2-2013;GB1094.3-2013;GB1094.5-2008;GB/T6451-2008;GB/T1094.10-2003;JB/T10088-2004IEC60076;SANS780 STANDARDS Features of Products
1.Meet or exceeds ANSI.IEC.GB.SANS.Standards
2.Safe Handling, Installation and Operation.
3.Attractive, modern appearance
4.Reasonable Structure
6.Higher system reliability
7.High security and reliability in operation8.High capacity of overload and efficiency
9.Robust construction having excellent short circuit and thermal withstand capabilities
10.EVERPOWER Transformers are more efficient by Reduced no-load losses and Reduced load losses
20kV three phase transformer
Features of Products
20kV Distrbution Transformers The abbreviation "change"refers to a static electrical appliance in a power distribution system that converts ACvoltage and current
.c.rdng oth law ofeleciromagnetic induction to transmit AC power.In some areas,powerTransformers with a voltage level below 20 kV arecalled"distribution Transformers"or "
blending"for short. The installationof"matched places and places is both a substation. Distribution Transformers should be installed on thecolumn or open floor installation.
GB1094.1-2013;GB1094.2-2013;GB1094.3-2013;GB1094.5-2008;GB/T 6451-2008;GB/T1094.10-2003;JB/T10088-2004IEC60076; SANS 780 STANDARDS
Features of Products
1.Meet or exceeds ANSI.IEC.GB.SANS.Standards2.Safe Handling, Installation and Operation.
3.Attractive, modern appearance
4.Reasonable Structure
6. Higher system reliability
7.High security and reliability in operation8.High capacity of overload and efficiency
9.Robust construction having excellent short circuit and thermal withstand capabilities
10.EVERPOWER Transformers are more efficient by Reduced no-load losses and Reduced load losses
Transformer normal service conditions
1.The height above the sea level is below 1000m;2.Ambient temperature;
3.Highest air temperature+40℃;
4.Highest daily average air temperature+30°℃;
5.Highest annual average air temperature+20°C;
6.Lowest outdoor air temperature-25C;
11kV three phase transformer
Product Description:
power grid transmission and distribution station, industry & commerce electrical substation as the electrical equipment of power transmission
GB1094.1-2013;GB1094.2-2013;GB1094.3-2013;GB1094.5-2008;GB/T6451-2008;GB/T 1094.10-2003;JB/T 10088-2004 IEC60076;SABS 780 STANDARDS
Features of Products:
2.2.Rated power: 5kva-25000kva
3,Two windings or three windings
4,On-load or no-load voltage tapping changer
6.Vector group: Dyn11,Yyn0, Ynd11, or others
7.Cooling: ONAN/ ONAF/ OFAF
8.Tap changer:3 levels; 5 levels; 7 levels; 13 levels; 17 levels
Service Condition
1.Suitable for indoor or outdoor application
2.Air temperature: Maximum temperature: +-40°C; Minimum temperature:-30°C
a.Humidity: Monthly average humidity 9596; Daily average humidity 90%6 .
b.Altitude above sea level: Maximum installation altitude: 2000m.
3.Max wind speed:35M/s
a.Ambient air not apparently polluted by corrosive and flammable gas, vapor etc.
b.No frequent violent shake.
Three phase oil immersed distribution transformer